Course Selection

Parent Information
Please take the time to review our course catalog and grade-level course registration materials for next school year. These resources will assist as you engage in conversation with your student at home regarding their schedule options for next school year. Both resources are linked below and are also posted on the YC website at in the Parents & Students section under Re-enrollment.
We are excited to offer Cyber Security next year, complementing current course titles Intro to Computer Science and AP Computer Principles. We have added AP Government to our Advanced Placement lineup. And will offer Yearbook as a formal course offering to students interested in the design and production of Rosa Mystica. We will continue our partnership with several colleges and elective high school entities, to include Alvernia University for College in the Classroom credit, Dual Enrollment at three local York County colleges for credit, the York County School of Technology flex program for grades 11 & 12, and the Virtual High School for elective opportunities
Student Process
Middle School
Mrs. Kathy Hand, Principal, and the Guidance Department have already visited Middle School classrooms regarding the course selection process for next school year. Middle School students will bring home a list of courses for the 2025-2026 school year to share with you. As part of the pre-course selection process, please review that list with them, provide the necessary parent signature, and have your student return the course selection form. Signed Middle School forms are due to homeroom teachers by January 31. Middle School students will register for courses online during Theology class in mid-February.
High School
High School students should be talking with their subject level teachers regarding appropriate course selection and level (CP, H, or AP) for 2025-2026. Beginning Monday, January 27, students currently in grades 9 through 11 will have access to the online course selection portal in Focus. This will remain open until February 21. During this time, students should select their courses, and appropriate levels based on teacher recommendations, for next school year. Students will be provided with printed course selection summary forms on March 5; forms with a parent’s signature are due back to homeroom teachers by March 14.
Important Links
- Course Catalog – High School 2025-2026
- Course Selection Summary – Grade 9 for 2025-2026
- Course Selection Summary – Grade 10 for 2025-2026
- Course Selection Summary – Grade 11 for 2025-2026
- Course Selection Summary – Grade 12 for 2025-2026
- Course Catalog – Middle School 2025-2026
- Course Selection Summary – Grade 8 for 2025-2026
- College in the Classroom & Dual Enrollment 2025-2026
- Virtual High School (VHS) 2025-2026
- Student Course Selection at Focus portal
- Re-enrollment online portal at STS
- Family Customized Tuition Questionnaire online portal at STS
After reviewing the information, please feel free to contact Mrs. Kathy Hand, Principal, with any further questions you may have. She can be reached at or 717-846-8871 x1313.
We are also hosting a Zoom Information Session on February 11 from 6-7 PM at Please join us!