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Employment Opportunities

teacher with group of students

York Catholic High School is seeking to fill the following teaching and support staff positions.  In faith-based education, we place significant value in the spiritual, social, intellectual, emotional, and physical development of our students. We take pride in partnering with our parents and the greater York Catholic community in supporting our students’ scholastic and extra-curricular experiences.

Qualified candidates for employment opportunities should demonstrate an understanding of the importance their position plays in all aspects of a student’s developmental progress. Candidates must also be individuals rooted in faith, willing to support Gospel values, and willing to inspire students through their word and example to accept and live these values and teachings.

All applicants for all positions are required to submit a recommendation letter from your Pastor simply stating you are a parishioner in good standing within your church, along with various clearances, and video trainings.  All of the information will be available through the Applitrack/Frontline link located under the job descriptions below.


Current Opportunities



Business Teacher

York Catholic is seeking a Business teacher to teach grades 7 through 12. Candidates with experience teaching advanced level High School business courses will be given preference. Requirements: Certification and related Bachelor Degree in appropriate major; state and federal clearances. Preferred Qualifications: Experience teaching in a Business classroom and/or Business Management experience.  For complete details and to apply, visit


Substitute Teachers

Daily as needed throughout the school year. Requirements: State and federal clearances. Preferred Qualifications: Education degree and Certification and teaching experience in the classroom. For complete details and to apply, visit


Athletic Coaches

The following coaching positions are available on the athletic staff:

  • High School Boys’ Volleyball Coach
  • High School Boys’ Volleyball Assistant/JV Coach
  • Middle School Girls’ Soccer Coach

To apply, visit


Cafeteria Aide

Looking for a fun part-time job where you can also see your children every day? Help prepare lunches and assist with clean-up Monday through Friday 8 AM-1 PM throughout the school year. Must possess the ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with students and staff.  PA state and federal clearances required.  Please contact:

Jackie Stubbs
Cafeteria Manager
York Catholic Middle & High School
601 East Springettsbury Avenue
York, PA 17403
717-846-8871 x1331


Cafeteria Volunteers

Cafeteria volunteers needed weekdays 8 AM-1 PM to help prepare and serve school lunches.  Must possess the ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with students and staff.  PA state and federal clearances required.

Please contact:

Jackie Stubbs
Cafeteria Manager
York Catholic Middle & High School
601 East Springettsbury Avenue
York, PA 17403
717-846-8871 x1331


Have Questions? Contact YC.

If you have questions about employment opportunities, reach out to learn more.
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