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Empowering students with the skills and understanding to effectively leverage technology as part of their educational and life experiences is an integral part of the middle and high school journey at YC. We focus on preparing students with the knowledge, skills, and resources to be informed, productive learners who leverage technology in innovative ways to enhance their learning experiences.

Technology Experiences

  • Students learn to use and maximize the resources available in the Google suite to ensure they have a solid understanding of how to use core word processing, presentation, and other tools.
  • Technology is integrated throughout the curriculum as students receive hands-on exposure to a range of digital experiences across their coursework.
  • Students learn the foundations of coding in core languages including HTML, C++ and Python with opportunities for deeper dives into programming.

Technology Tools

  • All students receive a Google Chromebook for use while they are enrolled at YC.
  • Teachers employ online tools including Google Classroom to deliver integrated online learning experiences.
  • Focus, YC’s online student and parent portal, provides real-time access to grades, assignments and facilitates seamless information sharing and collaboration between students, families and members of the faculty and administration.
  • Across all information technology applications, students learn the critical importance of digital citizenship and their role in keeping themselves and others safe online. Go Guardian is connected to all student and school devices to ensure safe digital learning.

Harnessing the power of technology to enhance the learning experience (without using it as a crutch to replace other critical thinking and learning strategies) is at the heart of the YC approach to instruction. By taking an integrated approach that exposes students to technology in all facets of their educational journey, we empower students to maximize the benefits of the digital world as they begin the next chapter of their lives.

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