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Athletic Hall of Fame


The York Catholic Athletic Hall of Fame honors former players and coaches who achieved a high level of success while representing the Fighting Irish.  It also recognizes those who provided outstanding service to the YC athletic program or to their country, and honors those who have made their mark on the national level.

The selection committee reviews nominations each year.  Individuals may nominate candidates for the selection committee to consider by completing the form below.


  • Athletic achievement as a student at YC, at the collegiate level, or at the professional level.
  • Coaching achievement at YC, at the collegiate level, or at the professional level.
  • Significantly served the YC athletic program in a broad array of ways (administrator, volunteer, athletic trainer, etc.).
  • YC athlete who distinguished him/herself in service to God and/or country.
  • Candidates are eligible for induction 10 years after their YC graduation date.


Have Questions? Interested in Learning More?

You can learn more about the program below, including the process and how tuition is personalized, or reach out to our team to start a conversation and get your questions answered.  We are here to help and offer personal support and guidance every step of the way.

Brad Hayek
Athletic Director | 717-846-8871 x1344

Athletic Hall of Fame Nomination Form

Nominee Name(Required)
Person Making the Nomination(Required)

York Catholic's Athletic Hall of Fame

1980 Induction Class
John Clark (coach)
John Watson ’61 (athlete)
William Wogan (coach)

1981 Induction Class
Monsignor Carl Brady (service)
John Sinkovitz (coach)

1982 Induction Class
Dr. John Angelo ’37 (service)

1983 Induction Class
Dr. A. A. Gabriel (service)
John Krutulis (coach)

1984 Induction Class
Gary Markle ’59 (coach)
Frank Zarnowski ’61 (service)

1985 Induction Class
Paul Borsa ’58 (coach)
James Forjan (coach)

1986 Induction Class
Frederic Kinley ’50 (athlete)
Alexander Wawer (service)

1987 Induction Class
Michael Keesey ’64 (athlete-coach)
Fred Noel ’53 (athlete)

1988 Induction Class
William Beckner (service)
Mark Dearborn ’78 (athlete)
Tony Iati ’78 (athlete)

1989 Induction Class
Matt Brown ’75 (athlete)
Joseph Geubtner ’51 (service)

1990 Induction Class
John Butcher (service)
Robert Kane ’48 (service)

1991 Induction Class
Robert Hoffman ’51 (service)

1992 Induction Class
Richard Bowman ’54 (athlete)
J. Patrick Clark ’59 (athlete)
Benjamin Stewart ’48 (athlete)

1993 Induction Class
Dr. George Johnson (service)

1994 Induction Class
Thomas Keesey, Sr. (coach-service)
Joseph Fitzgerald ’50 (service)

1995 Induction Class
Joseph Borsa ’72 (athlete)
Dana Boyle Noll ’81 (athlete)

1996 Induction Class
Laverne Godfrey ’52 (athlete)
Richard Hildebrand ’47 (service)
Robert Hohman (service)

1997 Induction Class
J. Peter Clark ’63 (coach)

1998 Induction Class
Joseph Borsellino (service)
Sam Spiese ’64 (coach-service)

1999 Induction Class
Alfoster Johnson (coach)
Richard Keffer ’51 (athlete)
Terry Stewart ’62 (athlete)

2000 Induction Class
John DeStephano ’52 (service)
William Lenick (service)

2001 Induction Class
William S. Campbell ’49 (athlete)
Donald Crumbling (service)
Keith Dowling ’87 (athlete)
Matthew W. Johnson ’83 (athlete)
George Shorb ’65 (athlete)

2002 Induction Class
Charles Abbott (service)
John Brown (service)
Dr. James M. Forjan ’80 (athlete)
Mary E. Leedy ’81 (athlete)

2003 Induction Class
Anthony Arcuri ’53 (athlete)
William Khayat ’91 (athlete)
Daniel Miller ’70 (athlete)
Earl Nolin ’46 (service)
Brian Pearl ’91 (athlete)
Cyril Smith ’51 (service)

2004 Induction Class
Dr. Stephen M. Concino ’67 (service)
Janet Young Eline ’70 (athlete)
Edward T. Javitt, Sr. (service)
J. Richard Luckman ’66 (coach-service)
Joseph Mann ’60 (athlete)
Robert C. Rudisill ’75 (athlete)
Larry Sentz (service)

2005 Induction Class
Dr. Vince Butera ’63 (service)
Paul Carupella (service)
Walter Keffer ’55 (athlete)
Anne Lengle (coach)
Ronald M. Voigt ’84 (athlete)
General David F. Wherley, Jr. ’65 (service)

2006 Induction Class
Rebecca Arugunes Bailey ’95 (athlete)
Chris Boyle ’80 (athlete)
Robert T. Brady ’46 (athlete)
Mick Javitt ’74 (coach)
William Samuelson ’69 (athlete)
Jeffrey L. Sentz ’74 (athlete-coach)

2007 Induction Class
Gerry Dougherty (coach)
Phil Itzoe ’55 (service)
Garyl Moore ’94 (athlete)
C. Edward Munchel ’50 (athlete)
Tracey Trott (service)
Margaret Wilkes ’86 (athlete)

2008 Induction Class
Jim Linden ’64 (athlete)
William Blystone ’74 (athlete)
Dr. James Boyle ’76 (service)
Michael Gaffney ’45 (athlete-coach)
Patrick Henry  (service)
William Kerchner ’74 (athlete)
Patricia Stover ’63 (service)

2009 Induction Class
Matthew Markle ’87 (athlete)
David Rizzuto ’84 (athlete)
Michael Staab ’70 (coach)
Robert Warner (coach)

2010 Induction Class
John Davis (coach)
Tony Dill ’87 (athlete)
Rick Jackson, Jr. ’82 (athlete)
Paige Mundy (coach)
Dr. Hugh Palmer (service)
David Radziewicz ’93 (athlete)
Jim Schnorr ’87 (athlete)

2011 Induction Class
Gregg Baldassarre ’85 (athlete)
Scott Knouse ’71 (athlete)
Matt Shiley ’89 (athlete)
Christine Thibault Stanislaw ’93 (athlete)
Dave Stewart ’88 (athlete)
Skip Walker (service)

2012 Induction Class
Jeff Alloway (coach)
Kevin Bankos ’82 (coach)
Stephanie Freed ’80 (service)
Bob Huber, Jr. ’81 (athlete)
Ron Johnson ’98 (athlete)
Jim Senft (coach)

2013 Induction Class
Kelly Anderson (coach)
George Andrews, Jr. (service)
Blaine Claiborne ’93 (athlete)
Joe Freed ’89 (athlete)
J. Ryan Luckman ’99 (athlete)

2014 Induction Class
Jon Iati ’03 (athlete)
Christian Keesey ’93 (athlete)
John McConville ’86 (athlete)
Brian Strong ’86 (athlete)
John Vecero (coach)

2015 Induction Class
Keith Alleyne ’79 (athlete)
Damian Burnside ’81 (athlete)
Heather Hoffman ’91 (coach)
Bernie Kalisky (service)
David McConville ’87 (athlete)
Steve Rizzuto (service)
Clair Rudisill ’66 (coach)

2016 Induction Class
Carlos Castellanos (service)
Daniel Javitt ’04 (athlete)
Sean Johnston ’06 (athlete)
John Miles ’88 (athlete)
Milner Sosa (coach)
Jackie Snyder Stubbs ’82 (service)

2017 Induction Class
Sarah Bright-Phillips ’00 (athlete)
Marc Ryan (service)
Jon Showers ’07 (athlete)
Kyle Smink (service)
Eugene Staab ’39 (athlete)
Megan Stewart ’07 (athlete)
Amanda Weaver ’07 (athlete)

2018 Induction Class
Kelly Rhein Bray ’08 (athlete)
Sarah Cadwallader Fermento ’08 (athlete)
Patrick Hickey ’96 (athlete)
Ashton Bankos Hirsch ’08 (athlete)
Jacob Iati ’08 (athlete)
Tim McConville ’94 (athlete)

2019 Induction Class
Lisa Bornt-Davis ’03 (athlete)
Tim Marks ’79 (athlete)
Genevieve McGann ’09 (athlete)
Mary McGann ’09 (athlete)
Angelina Ortenzio ’08 (athlete)
Dave Strine ’73 (athlete)
Tom Zielinski ’79 (athlete)

2020 Induction Class
Brittany Hicks ’10 (athlete)
Schuyler Merritt ’07 (athlete)
Bryan Minniti ’98 (service)
Raymond Tuleya, Jr. ’55 (athlete)
Danielle Colombo Worzel ’07 (athlete)

2023 Induction Class
John Daniels ’81 (coach)
Charlene “Missy” Dearborn Doll Macko ’79 (athlete)
Rachel Forjan Eckert ’12 (athlete)
Mike Hoffman ’59 (service)
Nicholas Krall ’95 (service)
Kady Schrann ‘11 (athlete)
Teresa Strausbaugh DeGuzman ’81 (athlete)

2024 Induction Class
Karli McFatridge ‘12 (athlete)
Ava Spoden ‘11 (athlete)
Anna Spoden ‘13 (athlete)
Kenneth Staab ‘40 (service)

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Get in touch anytime with questions. You can call the office at 717-846-8871 or click the link below to reach out via our online form.
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