Re-enroll Now for the 2025-26 school year!
Family Customized Tuition
Find out how Family Customized Tuition is the right fit for you!
Course Selection
Course Selection is open now through February 21
Winter Sports Post-season
Congratulations to our student-athletes in the Winter Post-season!
Sophomores: Register for the PSAT10 at YC by February 21!
YC Night at MOD Pizza
See you at Pauline Drive Thursday, February 20!
Spring Sports
Forms are due Wednesday, February 26, at 3 PM.
“James and the Giant Peach”
See the show Feb 28, March 1-2!
High School students will participate in the YC Mini-THON March 8.
Uniform Exchange
Used YC uniforms are available for purchase March 12
Alumni Social
Join us March 13 at White Rose!
Rhythm & Revelry
An Over 21 Coffee House – March 29
Sign-up now to perform!
Green & Gold Gala
Join us April 25 at the Country Club of York as we celebrate YC!
The Social Institute
Sign-up for your account now!
Yearbook Orders
Place your order by March 31 for your 2024-2025 York Catholic Yearbook.
Honor Roll
Congratulations to our Honor Roll students for the 2nd marking period!
Futures Events
Students in grades K-6 are invited to our Futures events!
Congratulations Class of 2024
York Catholic High School is proud to announce the accolades of the Class of 2024.
Just Do It!
YC Seniors are Student Teachers
The Truth About Catholic Schools: Busting 7 Myths
In this post, we’re tackling seven of the most common myths about Catholic schools and providing the real facts behind each, as evidenced by York Catholic’s approach and values.
Navigating the New: Essential Tips for Students Transitioning Schools
For middle and high school students, the thought of changing schools can be daunting, but with the right guidance, it can quickly become a rewarding experience.
Teacher Feature Interview
York Catholic’s dedicated College and Career Counselors are passionate about helping students find their best-suited future careers. Read our latest blog post to learn more.
Exploring Future Career Paths During the High School Years
York Catholic’s dedicated College and Career Counselors are passionate about helping students find their best-suited future careers. Read our latest blog post to learn more.
Supporting Your Student in a Digital World
Tips and Resources to Navigate Social Media, Technology and the Web with Your Teen
Are College Classes in High School Right for My Student?
York Catholic offers both College in the Classroom and Dual Enrollment options as part of our comprehensive college and career preparation program for all students.
College Planning Tips for High School Students Grades 9-12
Our counselors have compiled a timeline with the top tips to help take the guesswork out of college prep.
Transcript Requests
Summer hours are flexible; please adhere to the 2-week minimum request for transcripts.
College Visits
This summer is an ideal time to visit schools of interest and begin the application process.